For those looking for more energy and satisfaction in your life: Are you ready to THRIVE?

Have your dreams chase you
right back!

Join ‘Thrive’ to get practical tools to deprogram your subconscious mind so it works
FOR you in creating a greater personal & professional life you love!  

YES! I am ready to join the waitlist!

For those looking for more energy and satisfaction in your life:
Are you ready to THRIVE?

Have your dreams chase you right back!

Join ‘Thrive’ to get practical tools to deprogram your subconscious mind so it works FOR you in creating a greater personal & professional life you love!  

Yes! I am ready to join the waitlist!

I'm talking about:


Waking up in the morning and feeling excited to create
the kind of day you want…


Not constantly thinking about when you’ll be able to take
your next vacation - your life is so good, you don’t need
to escape it…


Not freaking out every time you get an unexpected bill,
or a hurdle shows up - you know that you can handle
whatever life throws at you without breaking a sweat


Feeling excited about what the future holds, instead of
stuck in a rut

Or, are you stuck in Survival mode?

Survival mode looks like:


Telling yourself when you finally just do “X” - make that
extra bit of money, take that class or buy that thing -
you’ll be able to relax and be happy


Spinning out every time there’s an unexpected bill in the
mail, or a challenge in your way


Ending every day on the couch with a glass of wine/
some Netflix - having energy at the end of the day is unimaginable to you!


Saying “I’d love to do X but I just don’t have time - my
kids/parents/job need me too much!”


Not being able to remember the last time you tried something new or felt truly lit up

I know what it feels like to just be surviving. Ten years ago, I had everything I thought I wanted…but I was in total survival mode.


I had the house, the marriage, the 2 kids…and still, I wasn’t thriving. I knew my life was good, but I wanted more…

Then, I started from scratch and built a life where I don’t just survive, but get to thrive each and every day.

For me, thriving looks like:


Meet Emily

Where I started…
Surviving, but definitely not thriving. 
I was a stay at home mom after leaving my job as a high school biology teacher, which had left me feeling unfulfilled and burnt out. 

I decided something had to change, and I started over.

Initially, I thought becoming a yoga teacher was my “calling”.
Then, I discovered the magic of social media.

The only issue? The amound of money I was making was only enough to cover childcare, and nothing more. 

I had to figure out a better way…

After discovering many new tools that I'll share with you in Thrive, and re-learning our first language - ENERGY, I was able to finally master calling in and actualizing what I desired in my life, and learned the art of effortless transformation.

I went from merely surviving to thriving:

I have total time wealth
I gave up having to live my life on overdrive just to feel like I deserved success
I get to choose what’s fun for me
I get to enjoy every single day

Now, I want to show you how to do the same. 

So Now It’s Time for You to Choose…

One choice is to choose to do nothing. And as you know, if you choose nothing... then nothing changes.

BUT, if you already know that you desire to grow your life and make a greater impact in the world, then your choice is obvious: join us inside Thrive and start your transformation to becoming the flourishing, MAGIC AF BEING you know you actually are and are meant to live as.

Simply click the button below and we’ll be waiting for you inside!

If you’re still on the fence, wondering whether to take the leap, let me share one last thought with you, maybe you're thinking…

“It all sounds great, but I just don’t have the money, energy, or time right now”

…then you’re not making the choice at all. You’re letting outside circumstances and reasons make your choices for you. And as you know, lasting, ease-filled change comes when we lead our lives from the inside out. You see, our reasons for not choosing are mostly in our heads, where our subconscious programming tells us why we ‘can’t’ or ‘shouldn’t’ do something.  Let’s delete those ‘can’t’ stories, and instead choose from possibility. Instead of using “time and money” excuses because you’re not willing to step up, let’s THRIVE together!

‘Here's what you're gonna get each month as a member of Thrive’


  • 90 Minute Interactive LIVE Coaching & Facilitation Call with Emily

  • A monthly PDF exercise to work with one of 7 areas of growth in your life: Relationships, Physical Well-Being, Finance, Career, Quality of Life, Connection with the Universe, Life Vision

  • An Exclusive Members-Only WhatsApp group: where we all support each other, laugh ;), and Emily facilitates with messages and audios

  • 20 Minute Group Energetic Taster Session: Imagine if a calming meditation had a party with an energetic symphony session that fuels you in actualizing everything you’re asking for

Meet Emily

Where I started…
Surviving, but definitely not thriving. 
I was a stay at home mom after leaving my job as a high school biology teacher, which had left me feeling unfulfilled and burnt out. 

I decided something had to change, and I started over.

Initially, I thought becoming a yoga teacher was my “calling”.
Then, I discovered the magic of social media.

The only issue? The amound of money I was making was only enough to cover childcare, and nothing more. 

I had to figure out a better way…

After discovering the tools of Access Consciousness, I was able to finally master calling in the energies I wanted in my life, and learned the art of effortless transformation.

I went from merely surviving to thriving:

I have total time wealth
I gave up having to live my life on overdrive just to feel like I deserved success
I get to choose what’s fun for me
I get to enjoy every single day

Now, I want to show you how to do the same. 

What Kind of Results Are Our Members Already Getting?


Emily’s monthly program is really for everyone and I think she does a wonderful job of incorporating individual questions so that it is enriching for all. Not to mention her empathy, her sense of cheerfulness & knowledge, her skills that help you swim again in the ocean of consciousness to only mention a few. I’ve learned so much, and I'm so glad it happens every month as it is irreplaceable and for me, and always a program that I choose for myself!

Hesna el B.


“I love the joy and sweetness Emily is, the way she is able to take away all the judgments I have in my world and turn everything into laughter and lightness. She creates a beautiful space with her kind energy.”

Katja D.


Being in Emily’s monthly program gives me a boost of energy and motivation.  I love connecting with everyone in the program from all over the world who eventually then become my friends!

Ari B.

What Kind of Results Are Our Members Already Getting?


Emily’s monthly program is really for everyone and I think she does a wonderful job of incorporating individual questions so that it is enriching for all. Not to mention her empathy, her sense of cheerfulness & knowledge, her skills that help you swim again in the ocean of consciousness to only mention a few. I’ve learned so much, and I'm so glad it happens every month as it is irreplaceable and for me, and always a program that I choose for myself!

Hesna el B.


“I love the joy and sweetness Emily is, the way she is able to take away all the judgments I have in my world and turn everything into laughter and lightness. She creates a beautiful space with her kind energy.”

Katja D.


Being in Emily’s monthly program gives me a boost of energy and motivation.  I love connecting with everyone in the program from all over the world who eventually then become my friends!

Ari B.
YES! I'm ready to join the waitlist!


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