a year ago // I had anxiety

18 months ago I found myself waking up at 3AM with a racing mind and a tightness in my chest that I had never experienced before.
For months I felt anxious, frustrated, full of resentment, worry, and grief, but I couldn’t change it.
It felt like I was sitting there with a whole cabinet full of supplements, medicine, tonics, and salves, yet I needed something else to change whatever was going on.
So what did I do?
I started diversifying my ‘cabinet’ - looking for fresh perspectives and tools so that things could click and integrate in a new way.
And the truth is, what I’m doing now isn’t far off from what I’ve done my whole life.
✔️ I look for new ways to see things.
✔️ I stay curious.
✔️ I ask questions.
✔️ I stay open to what comes knocking at my door.
✔️ I change the context so I can take a broader view.
✔️ I look for patterns of what’s stuck and find how to change them.
✔️ I trust that something greater is always coming.
I saw how useful this curiosity was for me and yet, while that year continued to be one of the biggest upheavals in my life so far - relationships, job, friends, and community all shifting at once - I was able to not just handle it, but to thrive.
The anxiety melted away.
Peace, calm, and clarity started pouring in from all sorts of new directions.
But I didn’t just want to do this for myself.
I want to invite you to be on this journey with me, starting with empowering you with the new perspectives and fresh tools that I found so valuable.
I’m here to make things easier for you, to do it with kindness, caring, and presence.
Because I’m not the girl who’s gonna facilitate you with harsh words trying to motivate you to change.
If that’s what you’re looking for, you’ve come to the wrong place.
That is not the coaching I do nor the style of programs I lead.
But if you’d like to stop feeling like something is unchangeable or wrong with you and you’re ready to end the cycle of looking for another thing to ‘fix’ about you, then you’re in the right place.
→ There’s a whole cabinet full of medicines, salves, and balms waiting for you to use them and find out that you CAN change the things that still seem to be stuck.
→ Your amount of time invested does NOT equal more change.
→ Intensity does NOT equal transformation.
→ Looking through one lens ISN’T enough for someone as ever-evolving as you.
This isn’t an email to tell you to ‘hurry’ and choose now.
If you’re ready today…amazing!
If you’re ready another day…I’m ready when you are.
I may not be doing things in a typical way...
But I know deep within my bones, that I am here to empower others to have freedom, clarity, autonomy, and the tools to guide themselves to their unique flavor of happiness, fulfillment, and satisfaction.
If you’re ready to join the others who have already joined Fearless Femmes - I can’t wait to show you what’s inside the cabinet.
PS - Fearless Femmes is available for instant download when you purchase and is delivered via private podcast feed so you can take it in your pocket with you wherever you go!