Why Asking Questions is the Key to Expanding Our Lives

Why Asking Questions is the Key to Expanding Our Lives

Many of us (if not all) have those big questions floating around in our heads…

👉 What am I here for?
👉 What’s this whole life thing all about?
👉 What am I here to be and do for others & the world? 
👉 How does the universe work?
👉 How can I connect to something bigger?


But here’s the thing…

When we ask those questions, it can be soooooo tempting to think we’ve found the ‘best’ or most ‘right’ or most ‘conscious’ or most ‘religious’ or ‘spiritual’ answer. 


It feels good to think that we somehow have found ‘the thing’. 


And if we get really honest and humble, we may admit to ourselves that it feels good to think that maybe we know something that others haven’t caught on to yet. That somehow we have access to an awareness or info that others don’t, and that somehow we’re different and better because of that.


But that is what fosters division, separation, and polarity.


It creates ‘us vs. them’.

And the world is full of that way of thinking right now.

Partly because we are all looking to be seen, understood, and belong. 

It’s a primal urge and desire that stems from when having a tribe truly did mean a better chance of survival.

So we look for community - for people that ‘get’ us - whatever that form of ‘different’ or ‘weird’ or ‘same’ is. 


The thought - “I’ve found my people”, or “These people get me and no one else does” can seem like a relief.

But when we solely look for a sense of community without a connection to something bigger than us, we put our sense of identity outside of ourselves and into that group, ideology, or teachings.

We become attached to that perspective and way of seeing the world.


But here’s the thing - we are infinite beings, authentic selves, souls, essences - whatever word resonates with you.

And that YOU, when it has no attachment to a belief system or way of thinking that is ‘best’ or ‘right’ can then be open to anything, anyone, and everything to come IN and contribute. 


I was reminded of this when I drove to Atlanta to take a Reiki class last weekend.


I’ve been doing energy work for 10 years. And when I had it proposed to me that maybe I take a Reiki class, my first thought was “Really? I already know how to work with energy.”


But then I asked - “Would this open me up to something new or unlock some natural gift and capacity in me that I haven’t yet acknowledged?”

And the moment I asked that question, I knew it was a yes.

So during that class I sat in awe, as I watched a 21-year-old do his first energetic session and realized he just ‘knew’ where to move his hands and how to shift energies.

I had conversations with ‘strangers’ about god, the universe, religion, energy, and how we all uniquely receive our intuition and knowing. 

And everyone was open and intrigued by everyone’s perspective. Receiving it all.

I did sessions with people, and on myself, and let a universal flow of energy move through me in totally new ways.

THAT is what I am here for.

For opening my mind. 

For meeting new people. 

For getting out of my comfort zone and what I think I already know. 

For seeing everything through what some call a ‘beginners mindset’.

I will forever be a student, a gatherer of knowledge, tools, and insight.

I won’t make the answer what someone else thinks is right or best.

We are tempted to do that when we don’t trust ourselves and what we innately know.
I have done that for a lot of my life.

Because let’s face it - it can feel good to let someone else lead.

But you are the only one who knows what is true for you. 

Trust that.

Ask questions.

Stay open to what else is out there.

There is an infinite expansion available to all of us if we just keep asking questions.

The path, the breadcrumbs, the whispers of awareness are there waiting for you.

Follow that. Follow you. Listen.

And just wait and see what shows up.

To say I am grateful for this journey is an understatement. 

It’s awe, it’s enthusiasm, it’s peace, it’s so much that there aren’t even words for.

So keep asking those questions.

Keep exploring what else is possible.

We will each find new things and awarenesses that can contribute to the whole.

And what a beautiful gift that is - when we realize that we are one. We are already whole. We are not separate.

We all have something unique to add and contribute to the world.

What is that for you? What is your unique gift?

I can’t wait to see you discover it, explore it, acknowledge it, and offer it to yourself and the world.

I am very much still on that journey.

Let’s enjoy it together.
