Tap into the Power of You with this DYNAMIC shift

This is part 2 (of 3) of my blog series designed to unleash the power of you and put your energy back where it belongs - into the forward momentum and creation of your life.

You can review Part 1 here. the one thing that took my life from...hectic to peaceful (ahhh)

And when you’re ready, let’s dive in!

If you recall, in my first email I mentioned that we’d continue the conversation about the BIGGEST reality-shifting process that changed the game for me. THIS perspective shift of how I looked at choosing 5-minutes a day for me is what I attribute to transforming my daily life from hectic and stressed to peaceful and fulfilling

So what is it? 

It all begins with ENERGY.

When we CHANGE the energy of the actions we take, and the subconscious beliefs that create our thoughts and vibrations, the world we see changes before our eyes. 

As Albert Einstein said, “Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you can not help but get that reality. It can be no other way.”

Let me explain this a bit more with an energetic horse analogy ;) by sharing 2 of the big missteps I see people taking and I have taken myself (βœ‹ raise your hand if you’ve been doing the same). In my work with thousands of people, I see many people galloping or plodding along in life in 2 different ways:

πŸ‡ Horserider 1: Riding Fast with Their Hair on Fire & Wondering WTF:

A ton of people that I work with are putting the time and energy in! They are reading books, taking classes, clearing things non-stop, doing bodywork and movement, and yet finding they’re not hitting the target they originally had for themselves - to enjoy the f*@k out of their life and to have everything getting greater - not just on the outside, but from the inside metrics - how they feel, their energy level, their satisfaction, and peace on a daily basis.

They are trying to gallop at full speed in a hundred directions at once.

Not only is this frustrating, but it creates a WTF moment when the original trail multiplied into 100 trails based on finding things wrong with them to fix next. They’re running down each one with the hopes that maybe ‘one day’ they will find and ride the elusive main trail of enjoying life.

How do you think that ride is going to go?

That seems like a pretty impossible task even for an expert rider!


🐴 Horserider 2: Kicking Back & Hoping Their Horse Knows Where to Go

When I’ve asked others about what their actions are for, what is their big ‘why’, what do they value in their life, what would they uniquely like to create as their lives, there’s often a big pause. Or an ‘I’m not sure’, or ‘I have a sense of it’, or ‘more consciousness sounds good’. 

But without clarity about what’s true for you,
how are you supposed to get anywhere?

If you’ve ever been on a trail ride where you just follow behind the horse in front of you and the horses all just move along on their well-worn path, you’ll know it’s not very much fun for long. 

Nor is it YOUR ride. You get to take the reigns in your life and get clear on where you’d like to head and why that lights you up. That’s what we’re all here for!

And just like when you’re on a horse ride, you don’t have to do it all alone. 

It also doesn’t work to try and control the horse the whole ride.
Thank goodness it’s not your job to control the universe or anyone in it ;)!

πŸ’« You do, however, get to have the universe on this ride and collaborating with you to make it more wonderful than you can imagine. πŸ’«

How does that happen?

By learning how to change your energy and vibration, and doing it even just 5 minutes at a time. And the secret to changing your energy is by changing the subconscious beliefs, patterns and thoughts that are vibrating your molecules and creating the reality that you see in front of you.

BUT HERE’S THE THING, you can’t try and ‘fix’ parts of you from the point of view that there’s something wrong with you and expect to arrive on the other side happy.

You are YOU. Always have been, always will be. 

Will you make mistakes and F things up? Yup. Your ‘future you’ won’t be perfect either. Thank goodness! But the beliefs and POVs that the future you has CAN change.

What if you could shed the need to be your ‘best’ most enlightened self and instead embrace what it is to be YOU - every messy, unpolished, imperfect part of you?

And while you’re at it, you can also shed old beliefs that just aren’t useful.

Limiting beliefs are like mud dirtying up your windshield as you try to drive. Let’s wipe them off!

πŸͺ„ How much greater could your life be with that context shift?
πŸͺ„ How much more joy, wealth and pleasure could you experience?
πŸͺ„ How many more people could you impact?

When I started to examine my beliefs and points of view from a totally different perspective, I saw massive, quick shifts.

Below are some of the things I asked and did differently:

  1. For EVERY thought in my head or point of view I had (no matter where or from whom I heard it) I asked - Is this useful? Does it give me more freedom? More creativity? More clarity? If it didn’t and if it seemed to keep me in a loop of wondering what else was wrong with me, I put it to the side and basically ‘closed the tab’. 
  2. Do something different. Anything different. If you’ve been used to using one thing to change something and it’s not getting better, try something else. If you’re used to multi-tasking, try doing one thing with total presence. If you’re used to being busy, play with taking 5 minutes to sit in silence and breathe - turn off your phone and tap into all of the sensory input of your body. If you’ve been in your head, embody your heart. If you’ve been still or stagnant, move and get out in the world - have a conversation with someone new or call an old friend.
  3. Have self-compassion and take it easy. There’s an old saying that goes, don’t beat a dead horse (sorry for the visual ;)). Meaning - if you do something like flogging a horse that can’t move, it doesn’t compel it to do more work and get up. BE GENTLE with yourself. You’re not only alive and kicking but there’s lots of possibilities in front of you. If you hear a voice in your head telling you - ‘why can’t I change this?’ ‘I’ll never figure this out’. Quietly calm that voice, and talk to yourself with the kindness and patience you would have for a child or how you would imagine the Universe would speak to you. (for more on that, you can download my free audio called ‘Calm Negative Self-Talk & Unleash Your Infinite Being’)

These are real shifts that I made, and that I KNOW started a completely different trajectory in my life with more creativity, more relaxation, and more of me.

But…there are some other details to add to those examples above. And that’s what I want to share with you in the third and final email in my series. It will really put things together for you so that you can put this into practice for YOU.

Read more in Part 3 - what it means to be SUPPORTED

Sending you magic,