what it means to be SUPPORTED....are your ready?

This is part 3 of 3 in this blog series walking you through some tools that will greatly assist you in your clarity, momentum and energy with moving forward in every area of your life.

Now, if you missed the first two pieces of content I shared, I’ve added them below for easy access:

Part 1: the one thing that took my life from hectic to peaceful

Part 2: tap into the power of you with this DYNAMIC shift

…and if you recall from our LAST email together, I shared real shifts that I made, that I KNOW can start a completely different trajectory in your life with more freedom, creativity, relaxation, and more of YOU.

But I also said there are some other things in play. And there are. So, what are they?

Well, a few months back I met a woman, a phenomenal entrepreneur, who was talking about a trapeze class that she took with friends and what it taught her about taking big leaps. And she said something interesting. She explained that before they teach you how to get up on the bar and fly, they teach you how to fall. Then she said,

“There’s no climax to the story. I fell and I fell all weird and messy. But what I kept going back to was the fact that I felt so fine about falling. They told me I was going to fall, and they taught me how to fall and they showed me that I had the safety net.”

…and OMG is she correct. 🀸🏻 It’s not that you won’t fall. You will. And it’s the knowledge that when you do fall, you know how to do it, and you know that you will be caught.

And that’s what I want to share with you: SUPPORT 

SUPPORT is the safety net of the trapeze act of your life.
If we know we have a soft place to land, we will take the leap.

Many of us aren’t doing the things we want to do because we’re afraid of what other people will think or we’re scared of being rejected or we think we will fail before we even start. There’s a formula to keep feeling shitty - you can keep looking for what else is wrong with you, you can scroll social media and compare yourself, or you can keep telling yourself the story that you’re not smart enough, not good enough, or not whatever enough.

But there’s also another formula to STRENGTH, COURAGE, and RESILIENCE.

It’s your comeback rate. And the support you have around you. Support that puts you back in YOUR game. Not theirs and not anyone else’s. 

Because with support, your ‘worst case scenario’ does not have control over you. In fact, it just may be the thing that propels you into being the strongest person you ever met.

Had I not been through the difficult things that showed up in my life, I would have never met the Emily that’s here right now.

When I have leaned into the support around me - friends, coaches, new ideas and tools, animals, nature, and the Universe - I’ve learned even more about what support and trusting me truly is.

πŸ™Œ You can choose, be, do, come back, and move through anything if you have support in your corner and YOU USE IT. πŸ™Œ

And that’s why I’ve spent the last year collecting stories, resources, tools, and learning new things to SUPPORT YOU. 

One thing I am really clear about is that I’m here to give people the support I’ve had, sought out, and found when things were the hardest and I felt more stuck than ever.

I’ve been collecting all of this wisdom and recording it in audio. I’m putting it all together in 5-minute audios - 260 of them to be exact!

I call it Fearless Femmes. (more on that in a sec)

As I’ve been making these audios and sharing them, people have been sooooo grateful. And I keep getting the feedback that THIS is making such a huge difference in people’s lives.

All of the audios for Fearless Femmes are delivered straight to your phone via a private podcast feed. No more sitting at your computer watching videos for hours hoping to find the info, inspiration, and tools you’re looking for.  

I also created a private a Facebook & Whatsapp group for your support, and a space where you can connect with others in the program and ask me your questions and give your ideas for future audios. πŸ’œ  

To join Fearless Femmes, just simply click here

What if it were easy to be supported and choose for you?
Click the link, 🎧 grab your audios, and let’s leap!

Your fellow fearless trapeze artists and a net to catch you await inside!

Sending you magic,